Matthew Flannery: A Chronological Order for the Keyboard Sonatas of Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757),
The Edwin Mellen Press, Box 450, Lewiston NY 14092-0450, 2006. ~$250.
Joel Sheveloff (1970) has remarked that determining the chronological order of Scarlatti’s keyboard sonatas “may be the most frustrating task facing me and my fellow workers.” In the present monograph, sonatas in the order of the Parma manuscript are analyzed for patterns relevant to chronological order. Of 29 patterns: none are anti-chronological — there is no evidence against chronological order in Parma; the majority of patterns are neutral to chronological order or weakly-to-moderately chronological; and a handful are so chronological — individually — that none could exist outside a chronological sonata sequence in Parma. Conclusion: that 29 patterns consistent with chronological order are complexly woven into Parma confirms that the Parma sonata sequence is fundamentally chronological.